What is Trending in Investment Promotion Right Now? A Nordic Perspective

5 Trends in Investment Promotion – A Nordic Perspective

The interest of Nordic municipalities and regions to improve their investment promotion and business attraction capacity is larger than ever. This renaissance of investment promotion has largely been triggered by recent mega-investments – often with green and sustainable credentials – into battery production, circular industrial solutions, sustainable materials, ecommerce hubs and data centres. Add to that the renewed interest of many corporations in bringing back operations closer to home to increase their control of supply chains, called re-shoring – which creates new opportunities for locations in the Nordics. A case in point are numerous Nordic companies that have moved their production units from China back to Europe/Nordics.

In this light, keeping an eye on trends and tendencies in investment promotion is important for any location eager to improve their capacity to attract new business. Here are some of the Nordic trends that we at Future Place Leadership see at the moment:

1. Proactivity and professionalization – more and more
municipalities work proactively to make available land and other
resources, so that prospective investors can be offered more of a
ready-made, plug n’ play investment solution.

2. As a consequence of trend 1: service level and the place brand
of the location become important differentiators from the
competition, as everyone has gotten better at making the basics like
land available.

3. More and more municipalities and regions engage in proactive
lead generation instead of just waiting for RFIs to come to them.

4. The investors are getting pickier and demand shorter turnaround times for responses to a request – as a consequence
locations need to have the main parts of their offer already
packaged as there is little time to go and find the requested

5. Investments are getting more space craving – for example the
new green industry, data centres and e-commerce logistics hubs
require more land and bigger facilities.

If you are keen to learn more about international investment promotions
trends, download our free report, The Future of Investment Promotion

Do you agree with these trends? Any trend you miss here? Don’t hesitate
to get in touch with Marcus to discuss.

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