International Talent Perception Study 

International Talent Perception Study

Future Place Leadership has conducted an analysis of the drivers and barriers of talent on talent international mobility from the following nationalities: Egypt, South-Africa, Turkey, Brazil, India, Mexico, Italy, Great-Britain, Taiwan. The purpose: To take a closer look at the international talent perceptions of The Netherlands (Hint we have also done it for Sweden) as […]

Talent City Index Report, Sweden – Where Would Qualified Workforce Prefer to Live?

The Talent City Index report investigates and benchmarks how cities rank against each other in the fierce competition for skilled workforce, to be used as a tool and guidance to improve a city’s attractiveness and retention power. Open product sheet here. The challenge Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It […]

Berlin Partner – Understanding target audience based on data; The Berlin Expat Survey

Expat study Berlin – Understanding the customer journey of international talent living in Berlin to improve the value proposition, policy making and service offering of the city   Post pandemic, Berlin like many other cities had to deal with changes in talent drivers and relocation patterns. Consequently, Berlin Partner sought out to have a data […]