Handbook: Talent Boost Cookbook Finland 2.0, 2021

What’s cooking in Finland?

The handbook is a part of the national Talent Boost programme #FinlandWorks. 

We’re proud to have delivered the updated version 2.0 of the acclaimed cookbook from 2019 – showcasing the good recipes that already exist to inspire others and give an overview of what else is cooking in the talent scene in Finland. 

It has been compiled by us for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Business Finland.

Talent Cookbook Finland is meant to serve as a practical guide for those working with international talent and those who wish to learn about the international talent scene in Finland.

The methodology chosen is the one Talent Boost has been using and that has been authored by those who compiled this handbook: Talent Attraction Management (TAM). The handbook’s purpose is to learn and inspire others to do things to speed up the development of Talent Attraction, Reception, Integration and Reputation in Finland. 

What’s new?

Quite a lot, in fact. This version comprises an update of existing cases and a number of new cases, as well as two entirely new chapters: one on attraction and retention of international students and academics and one of attraction of start-up talent. 

Finland consolidates its European lead

For us at Future Place Leadership, working with a broad range of cities, regions and countries across Europe in talent attraction, it is clear that Finland is the country in Europe that is doing most at the national, regional and local levels to attract and retain international talent. There are policies, political leadership, funding programmes, innovative projects and campaigns, cooperation platforms and a common methodology, Talent Attraction Management, in place to inform, advance and coordinate the work.

A bit of advice: if you represent a place in another European country and want to up your talent attraction game, take note of and learn from what Finland is doing.


If you have any questions about the cookbook, get in touch with Marcus Andersson.

Read more about our recent work in talent attraction here.

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