Report: Digital City Experts (DCEx), 2024

Empowering Municipalities in the Digital Era: The Digital City Experts Project with Erasmus+

Digital transformation is a certainty, but how it will unfold and what concrete impact it will have on our lives is one of the most uncertain questions of our time. It is influenced by a multitude of different, interacting social, political, economic, technological and environmental drivers. Deciphering the complex picture that emerges from the interplay of these current and future drivers will be one of the most important challenges for the EU and its success as a public administration.

This handbook will serve to guide and convince sceptics and traditionalist educators within municipalities of the advantages of Smart Cities. It also serves as a valuable resource for professionals in the field.


With seven partners spanning five European countries, our mission was to bring small and medium-sized municipalities up to speed with the digital age.

As cities race towards digitization, it has become clear that many municipal staff lack the necessary expertise to lead change in this field. In countries like Germany and Italy, where municipal offices hold decision-making power over digital projects, there has been often a gap in the skills needed to turn those plans into reality.

To address this issue, the DCEx project created an online training platform for municipal staff and citizens. We also developed a training program that transformed key individuals in local offices into “Digital City Experts,” enhancing knowledge within these administrations.

At Future Place Leadership, we are proud to have contributed to this project, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to understand and benefit from the digital transformation happening in our cities. Stay tuned for updates on how we continue to work towards making cities smarter and more connected.

Find more of our free handbooks and white papers here!

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