Talent City Index Sweden 2024 is launched – Gothenburg beats Stockholm … (again)

Talent City Index Sweden 2024 is launched – Congratulations Gothenburg, this year’s winner…AGAIN! On June27 – for the second year in a row- we launched the results from the Talent City Index Sweden, which ranks the most attractive cities to work and live in for students and professionals in key shortage areas. The launch took […]

‘Finns Prioritise Career While Swedes Chase Lifestyle’ – New Report Out Now

Talent City Index Finland report was launched last week in Helsinki Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It is a question that many municipalities, regions, investors and employers are asking themselves – now that talent shortage is greater than ever throughout many industries. The Talent City Index report was created to […]

Teaser: Talent City Index Goes Finland!

Talent City Index report was a roaring success in Sweden, so now we are taking it to Finland! Other markets to follow later this autumn, we’ll reveal which ones very soon.   What is Talent City Index report Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It is a question that […]

Fresh out the oven! “The Insiders Guide to Moving and Living in Sweden”

A field guide inspired by internationals who have made the journey to explore life and a career path in Sweden for internationals who are yet to explore it. In a unique partnership with  Linköping Science Park, our industry friends at Placebrander and graphic design by Söderhavet, Future Place Leadership has conducted the main research for […]