White paper: Women in Tech, 2020
Women in Tech is a white paper highlighting inspiring and innovative initiatives worldwide to challenge existing biases and offer more opportunities in tech to women. FORBES ARTICLE FROM MARCH 2020 FEATURED THIS STUDY. ‘Common gender biases and stereotypes are keeping women away from key positions, strategic skills and jobs. It is causing uncertainty when it comes […]
Guide: Change Leadership for Place Attractiveness, 2018
8 steps of major change in a place context. The purpose of this guide is to inspire and show the way how to create and lead change in places – where the collaboration of multiple stakeholders is needed. The proposed eight-step approach is a simplification, but a powerful and proven one nonetheless of what it […]
Handbook: Talent Attraction Management for Science Parks, Incubators and Clusters, 2018
A collaboration project with focus on Talents in innovation ecosystems Innovation ecosystems – cluster organisations, science parks and incubators – play a key role in both branding the location as an attractive place for talent, as well as launching concrete strategies and activities to attract, retain and develop talent, to the direct benefit of businesses […]