Report: Talent City Index Finland, 2024

Talent City Index Finland report is finally here! Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It is a question that many municipalities, regions, investors and employers are asking themselves – now that talent shortage is greater than ever throughout many industries. The Talent City Index report was created to to investigate […]

Report: International Talent Map, 2023

Discover the insights from over 2600 international talents and 300+ companies in this data-driven benchmark report across nine European countries. The report unveils the challenges and drivers in attracting and retaining international talent for both places and employers. In collaboration with Switch to Sweden via Linköping Science Park and European Talent Mobility Forum, we are […]

Report: So can Sweden gear up, 2023 (In Swedish)

Så kan Sverige växla upp arbetet med internationell kompetensattraktion Behovet är solklart. Sverige behöver växla upp arbetet med att attrahera och ta emot internationell kompetens. Såväl samhälle som företag har allt att vinna på detta. Det behövs en nationell kraftsamling, tydliga mandat och bättre samordning för att skapa rätt förutsättningar och svara upp mot de […]

Report: Talent City Index Sweden, 2023

Talent City Index Sweden report is finally here! Download English version here. Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It is a question that many municipalities, regions, investors and employers are asking themselves – now that talent shortage is greater than ever throughout many industries. We created the Talent City […]

12 Trends in Place Development & Place Branding 2023

Report: Get Your Free Copy Nordic Place Branding Conference is now PLACExNordic! the leading conference and networking event in the Nordics, where international practitioners from the fields of Talent Attraction, Investment Promotion, Place Marketing, Place Development and Destination Branding meet to mingle, be inspired and co-create solutions together. In the spring we shared a blog […]

Report: Improving International Student Retention in Sweden, 2022

Switch to Sweden – Data Driven Solutions to Improve International Student Retention in Sweden ‘Retention is the new attraction’ – Why do 75% of international master & PhD students originally plan on staying in Sweden, but only about 20% end up doing so? Where is the gap? What doesn’t add up? And what could be […]

Talent Attraction Report for Sweden, 2022 (In Swedish)

We conducted a feasibility study for one of the Swedish Government’s innovation partnership programmes, on “Attract, integrate and retain talent”, with members such as Move to Gothenburg, Business Sweden, Swedish Institute, Spotify, and Volvo Cars. In this study we provided a report, containing recommendations for how a new national coordination model for talent attraction management […]

Handbook: Talent Boost Cookbook Finland 2.0, 2021

What’s cooking in Finland? The handbook is a part of the national Talent Boost programme #FinlandWorks.  We’re proud to have delivered the updated version 2.0 of the acclaimed cookbook from 2019 – showcasing the good recipes that already exist to inspire others and give an overview of what else is cooking in the talent scene in Finland.  It […]

Handbook: Talent Boost Cookbook Finland, 2019

Do you want to know how Finland attracts and retains international talent? Talent Boost Cookbook Finland, by the Finnish Government, is a collection of projects that cities, regions, universities and other agents have done for Talent Attraction.  The handbook is a part of the national Talent Boost programme #FinlandWorks.  We are very proud to have had the […]