Special Talent City Index Edition: The Attractiveness of Lifestyle Regions in Sweden

Special Edition: Talent City Index Sweden – Lifestyle regions – The dream of a life outside of the big cities We are excited about the latest special editions of our Talent City Index portfolio. Latest, we have measured the attractiveness of Swedish lifestyle regions: What is Sweden’s most attractive lifestyle region? The most family-friendly? Sustainable? […]

Talent City Index Sweden 2024 is launched – Gothenburg beats Stockholm … (again)

Talent City Index Sweden 2024 is launched – Congratulations Gothenburg, this year’s winner…AGAIN! On June27 – for the second year in a row- we launched the results from the Talent City Index Sweden, which ranks the most attractive cities to work and live in for students and professionals in key shortage areas. The launch took […]

Ny kurs: Etablerings- och investeringsfrämjande för kommuner och regioner

Vi bjuder nu in svenska kommuner, regioner och innovationsmiljöer till en läranderesa med fokus på långsiktigt etablerings- och investeringsfrämjande som bidrar till tillväxt, innovationskraft och sysselsättning. Läs mer och anmäl dig här!   Fokus på deltagarnas frågeställningar, bland annat: ✅ Hur marknadsför vi oss och vår plats för investerare och företag? ✅ Hur väcker vi intresse hos […]

‘Finns Prioritise Career While Swedes Chase Lifestyle’ – New Report Out Now

Talent City Index Finland report was launched last week in Helsinki Where would today’s and tomorrow’s qualified workforce prefer to work and live? It is a question that many municipalities, regions, investors and employers are asking themselves – now that talent shortage is greater than ever throughout many industries. The Talent City Index report was created to […]

Las Vegas: Trip to CES – The Most Powerful Tech Event in the World

CES is one of the biggest tech events in the world —where brands from all over the world come to get business done, meet new partners and to show off their latest innovations Morten represented FPL in Vegas in early Jan, supported Swedish delegation, and ended up running into old friends by accident in Sin […]

Launching: The International Talent Perception Study

Do you want to understand how international talent view your country or region?  January 2024, launching the International Talent Perception Study – with the Netherlands and Sweden as first markets. As the global competition for talent between countries and regions is heating up, it’s getting more and more important for places to understand the perceptions […]

Piloting Cross Regional Talent Attraction Cooperation: Baltic Sea Neighbourhood

Announcement: Future Place leadership is pleased to announce our latest activity “Piloting cross regional talent attraction cooperation: Baltic Sea Neighbourhood” in partnership with Work in Estonia and Invest Moldova Agency. This project is funded by the Swedish Institute.  Open invitation:  Are you a government, regional or city entity across the Baltic Sea Neighbourhood working in […]

Kick off for Swedish Talent Attraction Forum (STAF)

Last week representatives from 10 regions and cities in Sweden met in Stockholm for the first time to kick off the Swedish Talent Attraction Forum (STAF). Strategies to attract international talent and competence is high up on the agenda for many Swedish regions and cities in order to meet the demands of the green and […]

Improving Regional Investment Promotion Efforts – 5 Cases Across Sweden and Finland

Getting Better at Navigating Investment Promotion Challenges During Summer and Autumn 2023 we have been leading five regional investment promotion projects both in Sweden and Finland. Common patterns keep on emerging across different regions, and the amassed insights help us to help cities, regions and municipalities better with their Investment Promotion endeavors. The usual suspects […]

Utvecklingsprogram: Co-creating The Future of Talent Attraction

Ny omgång av Co-creating the future of talent attraction  Som svar på stor efterfrågan startar vi nu den tredje upplagan av det populära programmet Co-creating the future of talent attraction. Det är ett samskapande utvecklingsprogram för dig som vill lära dig mer om hur man som stad, kommun eller region kan arbeta för att attrahera […]