Fresh out the oven! “The Insiders Guide to Moving and Living in Sweden”

A field guide inspired by internationals who have made the journey to explore life and a career path in Sweden for internationals who are yet to explore it. In a unique partnership with  Linköping Science Park, our industry friends at Placebrander and graphic design by Söderhavet, Future Place Leadership has conducted the main research for […]

Swedish Talent Attraction Forum (STAF) startar till hösten

Till hösten startar vi STAF – ett svenskt nätverksforum för er som arbetar med kompetensattraktion Kompetensbristen ökar drastiskt inom många sektorer och har nu blivit företagens svåraste tillväxthinder. Den riskerar att hota både den gröna och den digitala omställningen, liksom välfärden i den offentliga sektorn. Då vi sett en stor efterfrågan på ett gemensamt forum […]

International Talent Attraction – AI-supported campaigns across Europe attracting professionals

Talent Pools – Finding & recruiting international talent We are currently running Talent Pool campaigns with 3 different regions in Europe Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, attracting Data Scientists, together with our client International Careers Emilia-Romagna Scotland, attracting Software Developers, together with our client TalentScotland Netherlands, attracting recruiters for Life Sciences and Health sectors, together with our partner TalentMark A typical campaign looks […]

Future Place Leadership & Berlin Partner Go East Africa – Talent Bridging in Nairobi, Kigali and Kampala

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, its partner AfricaBerlin Network together with Future Place Leadership are connecting the Berlin ecosystem with one of Africa’s leading startup and innovation hubs. Africa is the fastest-growing continent with a large number of young, talented professionals. We are taking the opportunity to meet with students and graduates on-site at universities […]

Launching International Talent Map Benchmark Study

We are launching a European benchmark study on international talents! Are you an international master/PhD student or professional working in tech, science or as an engineer? Please share your experience as an international when it comes to settling in, living and working abroad by taking this 12 minute survey Are you a company representative who […]

Launching: Talent City Index Sverige

Var vill dagens och framtidens kvalificerade arbetskraft helst jobba och bo?   Det är en fråga som många kommuner, regioner, investerare och arbetsgivare frågar sig – nu när bristen på arbetskraft är större än någonsin i många branscher.  Talent City Index Sverige har svaret.  Den här filmen sammanfattar indexet. Om Talent City Index Sverige   Vi har […]

3 New Trend Analysis Studies

Trend spotting studies We’ve embarked on three new projects in the field of trend spotting and scenario analysis, for Tourism in Skåne, Region Blekinge and City of Malmö, respectively – and we’re now strengthening our offer in trend, foresight, and future scenario analysis. The first analysis is about city centre development for City of Malmö in southern Sweden. We are exploring how the function of the city centre […]